Divine Word Foundation

non-profit since 1962

1999 Pine Grove Rd.

Rogue River, OR 97537 USA

Tel.:  (541)-582-0434

EMail: dwfes@valleysoftisp.net


List of English Publications of Jakob Lorber's disclosures



PAMPHLETS:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Donations $:

P-1)      Who are the New Revelation Translators?------------------------------------------------------------- .50

P-2)      A New Revelation?  Why?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .50

P-3)      The great Apostasy------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .50

P-4)      Letters between Jesus and the King of Odessa----------------------------------------------------- 1.00

P-5)      Are present calamities man made?  (Lorber)---------------------------------------------------------- 2.50

P-6)      The Religion of the Future   (Mayerhofer)  by Ozols----------------------------------------------- 1.00

P-7)      The Prophet from Graz--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .50

P-8)      The Water Household of our Earth from the Lorber Verlag-------------------------------------- 1.00

P-9)      The Essential Points of the New Revelation---------------------------------------------------------- 1.00

P 10)Time is running out-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.00



B-1)      Easter Message (Lorber);  Dr. and Mrs. von Koerber---------------------------------------------- 3.50

B-2)      Reliability of our Bible Text (Lorber); Dr. von Koerber-------------------------------------------- 3.50

B-3)      What Jesus says about Christmas (Lorber); Dr. von Koerber----------------------------------- 3.50

B-4)      Science and The Second Coming of Jesus Christ;  (Lorber)-------------------------------------- 3.50

B-5)      Essence of The Eternal (Lorber); Dr. Walter Lutz--------------------------------------------------- 3.50

B-6)      The Genesis Story  (Lorber);  Dr. von Koerber------------------------------------------------------ 3.50

B-9)      Significance of Matter (Lorber) by Dr. von Koerber------------------------------------------------ 3.50

B-10)      Contamination of Divine Truth; Dr. von Koerber------------------------------------------------- 3.50

B-11)      The Inner Word of Jesus Immanuel (Lorber);  Goering------------------------------------------ 3.50

B-12)      The Unknown Prophet  by K. Eggenstein Trsl. by Ozols--------------------------------------- 6.00

B-13)      Jesus Words (Lorber); Trsl. by V. Ozols------------------------------------------------------------- 2.50

B-14)      Light on our Path (Lorber); Trsl. by V. Ozols------------------------------------------------------- 4.00

B-15)      The Dream of Zorel (Lorber); Trsl. by V. Ozols---------------------------------------------------- 4.00

B-16)      Revelation of John explained  (Mayerhofer); Dr. von Koerber--------------------------------- 4.00

B-17)      Mutual Conversations with God (Lorber);  Dr. von Koerber----------------------------------- 3.50

B-18)      Light on Creation (Lorber); Trsl. by V. Ozols------------------------------------------------------- 4.00

B-20) The Spiritual Anatomy of Man (Mayerhoter); V. Ozols--------------------------------------------- 3.50

B-27) The Advent of Christ (Lorber & Mayerhofer) Ozols/Groll------------------------------------------ 7.00

B-34) The Boy Jesus in the Temple (Lorber) Trsl. by C. Goering----------------------------------------- 7.00

B-41) The Creation of the Mat. & Spirit.Worlds (Mayerhofer)-------------------------------------------- 3.00

B-42) The Complete Lazarus Stories P-1 (Lorber); Trsl. by S. Schmidt---------------------------------- 4.00

B-43) The Lord's own Account of his Last Days on Earth (Lorber)-------------------------------------- 5.50*

B-47) The Sabbath    (Lorber)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.00

B-48) The Wedding in Cana and The Cleansing of The Temple------------------------------------------ 3.50

B-50) The Healing Power of the Sunlight (Lorber)------------------------------------------------------------ 4.00

B-51) Prophecies for our End-time in Progress (Lorber)---------------------------------------------------- -4.00

B-52) Listen to the Lord  by Earl G. Fox (Lorber)-------------------------------------------------------------- 4.00

B-53) Save the Forests by Walter Biernoth in Progess (Lorber) ----------------------------------------   4.00



BK-1) The Cosmic Mystery by Dr. von Koerber-------------------------------------------------------------- 7.50

BK-3) Going Home, by Mr. Fred Bunger------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9.50

BK-4) The Lord's Sermons (Lorber) Trsl. by V. Ozols------------------------------------------------------ 17.95

BK-5) The Prophet Jakob Lorber predicts; by K. Eggenstein-------------------------------------------- 16.00

BK-6) A Spiritual View of Life (Lorber); Trsl. by V. Ozols------------------------------------------------- 16.00

BK-7) Childhood of Jesus (Lorber); Trsl. by C. Goering--------------------------------------------------- 17.95

BK-8) The Three Days in the Temple; (Lorber) Trsl. by Dr. von Kb.------------------------------------ 7.00

BK-9) The Great Gospel of John (Lorber) Vol. 1 to 6; V. Ozols ea  -------------------------------------- 17.75

BK-12) The Empire of the Eternal (Lorber); Trsl. by C. Goering------------------------------------------- 6.00

BK-13) The Great Gospel of John, an Excerpt (Lorber) C. Goering --------------------------------------- 8.00

BK-14) Sunsets into Sunrises (Lorber) Trsl. by V. Ozols-------------------------------------------------- 20.75

BK-15) Fundamental Principles of Life by Dr. Walter Lutz  Vol. 1-3ea------                                     13.00

BK-16) Gems from the Master of all Masters postpaid----------------------                                           17.50

BK-17) Lord’s Book of Life and Health  (Lorber) ----------------------------                                           17.95

BK-18) The Household of God  (Lorber) postpaid  vol. 1 & 2  each---------                                      24.95

BK-19) Earth and Moon  (Lorber) postpaid---------------------------------                                               19.95

BK-20) Saturn (Lorber) postpaid-------------------------------------------                                                    22.00

BK-21) Secrets of Life (Lorber) postpaid----------------------------------                                                  22.00

V1)  Jacob Lorber VHS Video Cassette Tape  postpaid-----------------------                                        32.50


*= These books are presently out of print.


Please add $2.25 per book; $1.25 per booklet for postage and handling.

            Postpaid materials to Canada $1.00 more than specified.

EMail-ordering: mailto:dwfes@valleysoftisp.net

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